Rise Above Fitness bootcamps are designed for all fitness levels. Whether you are a seasoned gym goer or just want to check out RAF, this is the bootcamp to try! Our RAF Bootcamps are instructed by various trainers so the classes are always a little different. RAF Bootcamps include... and each session is about 45 minutes to one hour long. You don't need a membership to attend our bootcamps so feel free to drop in to any class at any time! We can't wait to workout with you!
PSYCHO SATURDAY is the "original" Rise Above Fitness Bootcamp designed by owner, Brandan Schieppati, himself. Don't let the name freak you out - All fitness levels are welcome!
RAF owner, Brandan Schieppati's gnarly weightlifting / cardio workout that will help end your week just right! This is a great ass kicker but will give you that T.G.I.F energy to go out and let loose after you've kicked the work week's ass! Again, don't let the name scare you - All fitness levels welcome!
FIGHT FOR YOUR FITNESS! Our Cardio Kickboxing energy classes allow our clients to practice real fighting techniques and combine calisthenics and circuit training. These classes kick your ass into shape while you learn how to kick ass!
No one knows how to train to be leaner, Meaner, and pound for pound stronger than MMA fighters. Fighters have to learn to quickly shred pounds while maintaining their fighting strength. Our Strength & Conditioning classes are instructed by our very own Rise Above Fitness MMA coach, John Mercurio. These classes are designed to help shed that excess fat while building strength and endurance. All classes include weight lifting, circuit training, olympic training, and more!
Rise Above Fitness personal trainer, Jason Mosqueda, has designed a program that will help prepare you for any physical contingency — not only for the unknown, but for the unknowable. Our functional fitness class is designed to develop skills most training routines lack by using Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics, and body weight exercises done at high intensity. This class will develop your body to its highest genetic potential.
Everyone has to find their strength from inside, and let their inner beast come out! The Inner Beast Bootcamp is designed for maximum calorie burn in the shortest amount of time. This bootcamp uses high intensity-interval training including a combination of cardio, strength, flexibility, core strength, and endurance. High Intensity Interval training (HIIT) is the quickest way to torch fat, even after you're done exercising. In this bootcamp you alternate short intervals of very high intensity exercises, followed by slower low-moderate intervals to recover. Not only will you build your performance but HIIT training has been used to improve muscle ability used to burn fat. The affect of the intense exertion placed on your body puts your body's repair cycle into hyperdrive, causing your body to burn excess calories up to 24 hours post workout. It's time to challenge your mind and your body, and release that inner beast!
Check out the Rise Above Fitness OFFICIAL class schedule by clicking here.